Jest już dostępna w przedsprzedaży monografia "Innovation in Financial Services. Balancing Public and Private Interests", edited by L. Gąsiorkiewicz, J. Monkiewicz, Routledge, London and New York 2021, która zawiera rozdział mojego autorstwa pt. "Supervisory issues over blockchain-based activities".
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Abstrakt do rozdziału "Supervisory issues over blockchain-based activities":
The rapid development of blockchain technology has increased risks and threats in the financial market. It is therefore natural for competent supervisory authorities to take an interest in this technology and attempt to supervise activities based on the technology. Accordingly, a new field of research has emerged which includes a chapter entitled Supervisory issues over blockchain-based activities, aimed at determining the form of supervision over the use of blockchain technology by traditional financial institutions and FinTechs, in particular, cryptocurrency exchanges, cryptocurrency exchanges bureaus and cryptocurrency wallet providers.
The chapter presents the applications of blockchain technology in the financial market and the measures undertaken by the supervisory authorities with regard to blockchain technology. Consumers are particularly exposed to high risks associated with the activities of cryptocurrency exchanges, cryptocurrency exchange bureaus and cryptocurrency wallet providers; hence a separate sub-chapter is devoted to the supervision of these entities. Two key and interrelated topics of tokenisation and consumer protection of services provided on the financial market using blockchain technology have also been discussed separately. The analysis contained in the chapter was conducted based on the literature on the subject, legal regulations and documents prepared by supervisory authorities and other public and private entities.